No Location Found vs No Location Available – Users of the iPhone may share their current position with other users via the Find Mine app. The creation of this app may be traced back to 2019, when “Find my friends” and “Find my iPhone” were combined with the introduction of iOS 13. Given how well-liked these two applications are among iPhone users, developers decided to merge them into a single Find My iPhone app that keeps track of everything for users.

When iOS 15 was launched, the functionality and features of the two applications were unified into one app with the new and improved name Find Me. Since then, this app has become an integral part of iPhone users’ everyday lives. For customers who have misplaced their phone and need to find it, this software has proven quite helpful. Some people can’t imagine their lives without this program.

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What Does Find My App’s “Location Not Accessible” Message Mean?

When you are following another user or just checking your current location, a pop-up window will appear on the screen saying “Location not available”. When this message appears, there are only a few reasons why it appears. First, you yourself stopped sharing your location with other devices in the Find My app. Of course, this may have been done by accident or on purpose, but you can fix it by simply allowing yourself to share your current location with the Find Me app.

Another reason this message appears when trying to track other users is that they too have stopped sharing their location with other devices. So, on the other person’s side, this will always show as “Location not available” if they are not allowed to share their location.

What Does “Location Not Found” Mean In Find My App?

What Does "Location Not Found" Mean In Find My App?

When using the Find My app, you could also see the “Location not found” problem message. This notice indicates that the program was unable to locate the device at the time you received it. In other words, the program cannot locate this device since it is not at all visible. The solutions are the same as for the “Location not available” notice.

No Location Found vs No Location Available – What’s The Difference?

No Location Found vs No Location Available - What's The Difference?

When you try to comprehend both of these signals and what is producing them, you will find that while they initially seem to have very similar meanings, they really differ. Only if the device owner choose not to share their current location with other users will they experience the “Location not found” issue. Their friends cannot see where they are right now, but they can see where their friends are.

Now on the message “Location not available”. This message appears when the app itself is unable to track the current location of the device. This problem does not require human intervention, it is more of a glitch with devices. Some reasons could be that the phone may not be connected to the internet or that the location service has been disabled for the device.

Solving both of these problems is easy and can be done in a few simple steps. You can follow the tips and tricks we share to solve the problems on your side.

How To Fix No Location Found vs No Location Available Error In Find My App?

There are many reasons this message appears, and we have searched the web for what you can do. Fear not as this can be fixed and we will share tips and tricks with all of you to fix this and be able to track your location or the location of another user.

There Is No Network Connection On The Mobile Device.

This is the primary and easiest way to check why your location or someone else’s location is not being tracked. You can double-check to make sure your phone is on or tell your friend to check if his phone is connected to a Wi-Fi or cellular network,

The Date And Time Are Set Incorrectly

Make certain that the time on your phone is accurate. Your phone will be confused and unable to be monitored if it is not set to the proper time. Make sure you have the right time, and if not, you may manually or automatically install it.

“Location Services” Can Be Disabled

It is important to check if you are using the Find app. You need to make sure that you have enabled “Location Services” on your phone so that they can track you. Also, ask your friend if he has one, and then you can close the app and reopen it once it’s on.

Ensure That The Software On Your Device Is The Most Recent.

There may be bugs affecting “Location Services”, so be sure to update your device to avoid any interference when sharing your location or following someone on the app.

You May Toggle Your Phone’s “Airplane Mode” On And Off.

Here’s another quick and easy troubleshooting method you can do by simply turning Airplane Mode off and on again on your phone. This will update your connection and can sometimes fix your problems by running this simple troubleshooter.

Restart Your Device

As a last option, you might want to try it if you’ve exhausted all of our advice and discover that the problem hasn’t been resolved. You might be able to resolve this by just rebooting your phone, which will refresh its network connection. And everyone is aware that a simple phone restart may address a variety of issues.

More Tips: How To Fake Location In Find My App?

No Location Found vs No Location Available

The causes and solutions for “Location not found” and “Location not available” phone messages are now clear to you. But what if we wanted to give friends and family a bogus address so they wouldn’t know where we were at the time? You may use this method to amuse your friends or make them believe you are somewhere else.

Although, You can do this in our “Dr Fone – Virtual Location” app which allows you to share the fake location with your friends. You can use this app for safety or just to joke around with your friends and family.

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