Table of Contents
What Is The Role Of A Professional Speaker?
Professional Speaker – Before we get into the details, let’s first understand the definition of a professional speaker. Unlike many professions, the term “professional speaker” covers a wide range of roles and experience levels. For example, professional speakers can speak part-time (in addition to another main job) or full-time, and they can speak in almost any industry on any subject. They may also have from scratch past experience speaking to a degree in a subject. In other words, almost anyone who wants to become a professional speaker can become one if he puts in the effort (but more on that later).
While the primary role of a professional speaker is to provide clarity and motivation to their audience, the methods by which this can be done are limitless. In your conversation business, the choice is entirely up to you and the needs of your target audience.
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Types Of Professsional Speakers
Choosing the right speaker can be overwhelming as there are speakers with different specifications and features. It is important to understand what types of speakers you can work with:
1. Inspiring Speakers.
If you want your audience to be involved in a thought-provoking story, hiring a motivational speaker would be a great option. These are people who have overcome some form of adversity that will provide a very compelling story. If you’re looking to find an inspiring speaker, visit the Motivational Speaker website.
2. Comic.
A humorist is a person who offers humor with a message. Professional comedians can usually mix their humor and message to suit the needs of the event. But in general, these speakers are meant to entertain your audience.
3. Celebrities.
A well-known speaker can name a name that will spark interest in your event. But they also require higher rates. It is important to remember that not all famous speakers are great presenters. Generally speaking, when you hire such a speaker, you are paying for their name and celebrity status.
4. Industry leader.
An industry speaker is a person with experience in a particular industry who lectures on the same topic. Specialized speakers are hired not for their level of motivation or humor, but for the contribution and depth they can give on a particular topic.
5. Main Speaker.
The keynote speaker will be the headliner of the main event. Not only are they responsible for setting the tone for the event with their first performance, but they are also the main reason people attend your event. If you’re looking for a great keynote speaker, check out the Keynote Speaker website.
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10 Tips For Hiring The Professional Speaker
You have scheduled dates, a private convention center and an agenda; but now you need to book speakers for the event to be successful. Maybe last year it was difficult to work with the speaker, too expensive or just plain boring. You want to make sure the same doesn’t happen this year. Here are ten tips that can help.
1. Start With The End In Mind
As Stephen Covey says, look at the results you want. What is the purpose of the conference? What information are participants looking for? Ask yourself the question, “If everyone gets exactly what they need, what would it be?” Be careful when looking for “motivation”. If motivation and energy are not tied to the content and plan, participants will soon lose their enthusiasm after returning to work.
2. Talk To Speakers From Past Years
The speakers will be happy to provide recommendations and advice on future speakers. They know that if you like someone they recommend, they build an even more relationship with you. Even if a professional speaker won’t speak negatively about another speaker, they will certainly be happy to direct you to the best person who can meet your needs.
3. Contact Other Meeting Organizers
Talk to other great speaker meeting organizers. You may want to create a “favorite” list that can be used in your industry.
4. Check Your Credentials
Look at the wallpaper for the speaker. Do they have the authority to speak on selected topics? Also consider membership in professional organizations such as the National Speakers Association and the American Society for Training and Development. While there are good speakers who don’t belong and bad speakers who do, most speakers who take their growth seriously belong to one or both of these organizations. Also consider whether the speaker is a certified professional speaker or a CSP. This is the NSA’s highest accolade and indicates that a speaker has worked with at least 100 clients, given 250 presentations, and received excellent reviews.
5. Request Feedback
These might be resource lists or positive client feedback testimonies. Look up what others are saying about their attitude, delivery, and style.
6. Preview Of The Speaker In Action
If possible, do it in person. Great speakers are busy speakers and have a lot of local and national bookings. While the presentation or topic may not be what you had in mind, you can appreciate their platform capabilities and live audience response. If necessary, you can use the demonstration video; but they often don’t represent the “best” the speaker has to offer.
7. Arrange A Meeting
While it’s not always possible, expert speakers know face-to-face meetings are a great opportunity. This is your chance to see if this person is right for you; for the conference, for the attendees and for working with you.
8. Evaluate The Attitude
Beware of those who speak selfish and / or conceited. In the world of public speaking, we call this “believing in your press kit”. Often this is a sign that someone is not really sure about their talent, preparation and performance. The best speakers I know are actually very humble and focused on the audience rather than themselves.
9. Give Them Details
The presenter will be able to put up the presentation more effectively if he has more knowledge about the occasion, attendance, aims, and objectives. The best presenters also conduct their own study, reading annual reports, browsing the web, and looking up data related to their sector. Some presenters elicit information from listeners using pre-written questionnaires. Others choose a conference call with management or a face-to-face meeting with important participants. No matter the strategy, the more details, the better.
10. Partner Speaker
Great speakers strive to be part of the whole event. Feel free to contact them to discuss any details other than their presentation. They often make a valuable contribution to layout, AV options, and marketing. Many speakers now have email newsletters and other regular communications with former attendees. If relevant, check if they will advertise and promote the event electronically. Consider an autograph session or other opportunity for attendees to access a speaker. Most speakers speak kindly to attendees, knowing that this can make the event special and memorable.
Professional speakers are an absolute must at most conferences and corporate events. Research shows that professional speakers outside your organization can provide valuable insight into your company’s goals, issues, and priorities. Plus, the best professional speakers know how to bring each unique audience together to inspire, engage, empower and, of course, motivate your team.
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